this break…is a break up

I hate the end.

I leave windows and doors just a touch ajar at home—open, possible.

Never been good at break-ups, even the one’s where ‘it was them, not me’, so as we neared the 4th batch of Detailed Design, I had the uneasy feeling like before someone says, ‘we need to talk’.

The clients were sharp, expert, fun, bright and easy to work (which is not always the case, and sometimes agency people forget what a beaut that is).

Q1 2022 was Detailed Design for Morningstar Indexes, and it was March! We’d made sitemaps and dozens of wireframes, nav schemas and mobile and desktop homepages, category landing pages and campaign landing pages, and we were ready to turn over our baby, as theirs.

I’m hoping Morningstar swipes right because I really like them, and I think there’s a ton that strategy, product design and a committed team could do with them.

Thanks to the three S’s at Morningstar, and to Mobiquity leadership of Elisha, and A-team Rob, John and Michael.